Friday 8 April 2011


Our film is finished! After a long grueling process, it's done! Woop! We believe it to be successful and we believe it to be of a partial success. The idea of thriller conventions are conveyed in it and this project has allowed us to develop as individuals and successfully work as a team and bond as such.

Oblivious opening sequence!

Thursday 7 April 2011

Issues faced in group Q

To be perfectly honest I do not actually think there were any issues (besides the mad rush at the end to get it done!). As a group we managed to communicate successfully and discuss what needs to be done and how to go about it.

I think the only issue that was constantly present was not knowing if everyone in the group would show up so if we had something important that needed doing and we needed that particular person to do it then basically we were, for lack of a better word, doomed! However, this did not occur all of the time and so we found it easier to work with all of our group present at the time.

Also as we all had differnet timetables and free's we found it difficult to go up in our free's and edit the film as if someone did something to it that the others did not like then a lot more time and effort would be put in to undo what it is that had been done.

Preliminary sequence

Creating this sequence was very helpful to us as a group.

We managed to piece together something with technology which we had not used before and although it is rather poor we feel it is a good effort considering we had no idea what we were doing for most of the time, simply as we found the programme complex in the beginning but soon go the hang of it and managed to use different effects to our likings and make them fit into places easily.

It also allowed us to discover who was better at certain aspects within the group as to find who would be better at such aspects when we came to do our actual opening sequence. So, we discovered who was better at what and then decided who would do the majority of certian tasks when it came to editing, filming ect our opening sequence.

In this sequence we used very few editing techniques as we wanted it to flow naturally and in a fun and upbeat way. Also, as we did what we could, as at the time our editing skills on final cut express were of a rather poor standard.

Preliminary sequence

Response to opening sequence idea

Our opening sequence is, in my opinion, a good idea. This is as it allows for conventions of the thriller genre to be put forth in the portrayal of a young girls kidnapping by mysterious figures. The concept of kidnapping a young girl has also been done in immensely successful films such as "Taken" which conveys the idea of the thriller genre as well as the possible success of the idea as "Taken" is in fact a highly talked about film and has many good aspects within.

I feel our opening can successfully build up tensions and suspense and keep the audience on the edge of their seats as things such as the music used - a combination of diagetic and non-diagetic sound - and the variance in regards the types of shots can successfully do this. Our film also allows for our audience to relate to the girl and how she is feeling as she has a hangover form the night before and as our film is aimed at teenagers and young adults, the audience can make links with themselves and Hollie, as, lets face it, most teenagers rather enjoy an alcoholic beverage or two. 

The concept of Hollie being kidnapped nakes the audience question why it is in fact that she is being taken and who it is doing the kidnapping - or are tehy working for someone?