Wednesday 6 April 2011

The name change

Initailly our opening seqence was goiung to be called 141. However, at a certain point after we had drastically tweeked our ideas as we filmed on two separate occassions and although we filmed separate bits, for the most part, and each time we filmed we edited the storyline slightly and so it transformed from 141 to Oblivious. This new name fits, I feel, more with the context of our footage and with the thriller theme. As the girl in the house is, in fact, entirely oblivious to what is going on around her and has no idea she is about to be kidnapped the new title seemed to fit correctly. Another reason for changing the title was that we did actually forget why it was we were going to call it that. Although it seemed like such a fantastic idea at the time, it obviously could not be that fantastic if we forgot why! 

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