Thursday 7 April 2011

What went down (in terms of planning/ developing ideas)

We managed to develop a successful idea. The concept of a party first arose simply as when we all went away and created storyboards of our own the concept of heavy drinking came up in each one. Therefore we initally were going to create "The morning after" in which it would the morning after a house party and there were to be flashbacks to the night before to the party scene. Also in the morning someone body would be found in the house. However, we decided againist this as as the idea was good and we all liked it but we thought the party scenes would be hard to create as well as the convincingly dead body. Therfore we changed it to the morning after the film in which we could see the girl, who we called Hollie,  would be kidnapped from her home the morning after she had a house party. We were happy with the new arrangements and knew that they would allow us to bring elements of mystery to the film opening through the hidden kidnappers, as they are only revealed at the end. Each member of group Q assisted in the development of the initial idea as we turned "the morning after" into "141". This idea came about as we came up with teh idea of a cold caller which brought about the name "141". The changing of this is also as it reminded us of the concept of the morning after pill and so we found it would be highly innapprpriate to name it as such and to associate and allow for our audience to make associations with it.However, when filming was occuring we found somethings much harder to film than others and so  we then altered segments to fit what could be succeffully obtained. The idea of two kidnappers instead of one came about as to make the entire scene, and so the opening, more convincing as we found it to be a much easier in terms of filming. So after these changes the name "141", although we still used the cold caller idea, seemed to be getting more nad more innappropriate. This means that once again we changed the name. This time, and so it has remained, was called "Oblivious". This is as Hollie is completely oblivious to the kidnappers being in her home and seemed, generally, more appropriate than that of the other previous names.

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